We make paper, you make the stories.
We make paper, you make the stories.
Some not boring
Dot Grid pattern may trigger Trypophobia. Trypophobia (trip-uh-FOE-bee-uh) is an aversion or repulsion to repetitive patterns or clusters of small holes. Please print & try before purchasing the Dot Grid variant.
Print & Try
Option to print and try the Ruled, Dot Grid & Checks before you decide the right notebook. Printable on any home or office printer; print borderless on standard A4 paper.
The Papercoal notebooks have a sewn spine, and that helps with the notebook opening flat at any page.
Keep your notes, pictures and all the dried flowers petals safe with a high-quality matching or complimenting elastic closure.
Small enough to carry around and big enough to load all your thoughts and ideas — about the size of an iPad Mini.
The notebook features a back pocket that comes in handy in many ways. Throw in some notes or keep your change.
Each notebook comes with not one, but two distinctive bookmarks. Mixed feelings? Keep them marked.
The ruled lines have 7mm space in between. The dots are 0.5mm with a spacing of 5.5mm. The squared checks are 7mm boxes.